How to fill out the form below
- Choose the brand.
- Start typing out the product number on the outside of the item’s box. A list of items will display as you start to type. Please choose the correct item. If you choose the wrong item, erase what was typed in and start over.
- Then fill in the additional details for that item.
- If you have a genuine name brand item that is not showing in the drop down list, please choose custom as the brand and type the brand/product # in. We will add it to our inventory database.
Additional Help
If you need to add more than 5 different items, please click the plus (+) symbol to the right of the item price section.
If the item does not exist in our database, please select “Custom” for the brand.
We do not buy generic, remanufactured, open, water damaged, heavily damaged or no box items.
Items You Wish to Sell
Box Rating System
A box that has no labels, tape or tape residue, no writing or marks and no dents or tears on the exterior of the box.
A box may have small rips on the exterior, small dents on the corners and/or labels that have been removed incorrectly.
How to Sell Your Supplies
Tell us about your surplus toner items
We will email you an offer usually the same day
Accept our offer and we will email you labels
Ship the items to us